Monday, November 13, 2006

The End of A New Beginning

All semblence of a real home for my family departed long ago. What it left in its place was the shitty little old dilapodated shack, complete with broken windows and chipped paint.

Termites infest the walls of this house, this house that is not a home. With their jagged little teeth they chew into the framework of this house, weakening it with every piece of wood they bite into.

This weak house. The people inside it hear them and they let out a shriek of terror each time the termites take an audible bite of wood. They watch and wait in fear to see the termites scattering across the kitchen floors, but they can not stop the termites. There is no way to, at least according to them.

They don't even know the reason. They don't even know if there is a reason. But what they do know is that the termites have been there for a long time, generations upon generations, and will be there for generations upon generations. And they will never stop breaking down the house.

And once they have chewed through all the framework, and are scattering across the kitchen floor in droves, and the screams of the inhabitants can be heard from a mile away, the inhabitants will run and the house will fall down. And the leader of the termites will go to the highest point of the ruins, because they have won.

But there will always be another house for the termites to break down. The family understands this. So they go from house to house, and houses fall and fall after them. And the termites rejoice every time.

Eventually the time of the family has come to pass, but before they pass, they leave descendents. And like the family, the descendents can not stop the termites from breaking down their houses. And like the family, they do not know the reason.

And eventually, the termites break down all the houses of all their descendents until their times have come to pass. And there is no one else in the family who has a house to break down. And the leader of the cockroaches goes to the highest point of the ruins of the last descendent's house, and he makes an accouncement.

"It is the end," he says, "The end of a new beginning."

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